I've opened the windows, and cleaned my room. Yes, I'm back, the air is fresh, and the sun is shining.
Kenny Ball and his Jazzmen * Midnight in Moscow
His Emineminence, feat v Piddy * Putin Rap
-Only Fidel can provide candy
The Incinerators * Disco's in the Garbage
David Byrne * Just a Friend
-Barber * Dan Savage is Hateful and Vile
Kalinka Balalaika
-Bring it on-line * Casting out Demons (for dummies)
Barney Miller Theme
Glen Campbell * Dreams of the Everyday Housewife
-Boykin * Jesus was a Tough Guy, a MAN'S man!
Old Ossetian Lady playing the balalaika
-Robertson * Low Carb diet violates God's principles
Scientology (that's the plan for me)
Why Doesn't Daddy Come Home?
-Seeds of Godlessness
-Flying Helicopter Baby
Hilary Hahn * Prokofiev Violin Concerto 2-3 Scherzo
Genghis Khan * Moscow
-Child of Jonestown * I'm-a Shot Her!
Henri Rene * Manhattan Idyl
Bugotak * Come Together
-Why does the bible talk about dragons?
Django Reinhardt * Dark Eyes
-Gohmert * How does the mating of two males evolve the species? (?!?!?!)
John Trubee * Blind Man's Penis
John Bult * Julie's Sixteenth Birthday
L Ron Hubbard * the Tarot and the Fool