Monday, June 19, 2006

Most Everyone Except Carson Holloway of the National Review Can't Handle the "Truth" that Life is Empty and Meaningless

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The Public-Intellectual Menace
On Richard Dawkins’s irresponsible and irrational dogmatism.

So Carson Holloway is strong, but you aren't. You can't handle the "truth."

Fortunately, that "truth" is believed by Carson Holloway, not the rest of us, and least of all, Richard Dawkins.

It's the standard Christian lie. First, you create the idea that God is everything. Then, when you take away God, tah dahh! You have nothing! It's a sad, and meaningless life. Sigh. And you can't handle that. Bad Richard Dawkins! Bad!

Its (the Selfish Gene) apparent debunking of any higher purpose in nature caused this person “a series of bouts of depression” lasting over a decade.

That's what you get when you lack reading comprehension. As long as you're already depressed.

Well, being a believer doesn't mean you have a math degree.

If the universe =X,
and God is the universe,

But for an atheist:
The universe=X
God = 0

Obviously, there was no God in the equation in the first place. Even if God had once existed, and was "taken away," we would not need it to show us the value of things and people. God is represpented by this fellow as both X and something that is there simply to remind us of the value of X. Like a holy price tag, as Francois would say. If a price tag falls off an item, does it then lack value? Tell that to the clerk at Nordstom's.

Why do grown adults need to be reminded that there is a world out there to enjoy? That they have friends, family, and lots of great things out there to be interested in, say, like saying Richard Dawkins is cruel and dangerous? That kind of hobby can keep a person's mind off God for a good long time. Basically, without God, there is...writing National Review articles. That ain't nothing, math genuis.

(Via J-Walk Blog)


Hellbound Alleee said...

but zero is nothing. And there is no such thing as nothing.

ktylizbth said...

But isn't nothing something to know by nothing is? ^_^ lol...

Hellbound Alleee said...

lol, no because you can't know nothing. There is no "nothing is."
Nothing simply isn't.

Anonymous said...

Nothing. Is it something?

Francois Tremblay said...

You sound like philosophy students. You just need to get drunk a bit and it'll make perfect sense.

Hellbound Alleee said...

There you go again, Rabbislayer. You said "there are more isn'ts than is's."

Well sure, things aren't lots of things. But that's not nothing. But it's saying very little. Nothing "isn't" anything, as well as nothing "is" nothing. It can't be either.

If "one" is subjective to you, then it means nothing to me. Why are you trying to convince me of something that is subjective to you, if only you can decide what it is? If every person in the world can point to an apple, and say that the unit, "apple," is one, why bother doing the boy thing and decide that you control the reality on the concept "one?" Very male, if you ask me. (Yes, I'm being sexist, to illustrate a point).

People like me (possessing a vagina) rarely decide they can control the concept of reality, and call it subjective. Or, rather, people who aren't so focused on themselves they can't see existence as being apart from their own egos. I suppose many women might feel that way, but I have yet to meet one. This is how strongly I go against the narcissistic concept of "subjective." I am willing to sound like a sexist ass to go against it.

Mark Plus said...

People get depressed because of changes in their brain chemistry, not because of their beliefs about a god. Otherwise how do christians explain the believers they know with chronic depression?

breakerslion said...

Oh my. This is beginning to sound like "The Neverending Story" with its anthropomorpism of "the nothing". Zero is an abstract concept. It is a null state in physics, a placeholder in math. It is a symbol, signifying nothing. If you believe that there is no god, and that there has never been any physical, logical, or rational proof to support the concept of a god, then god becomes a symbol. The abstract symbol "god", unfortunately signifies more than nothing to many deluded human beings. It is a hollow symbol of power used by the priest units to perpetrate and perpetuate their grifting way of life. It is also a mental inhibitor, and a psychological roadblock to self-awareness and self-reliance. The belief in an all-powerful and capricious puppet master forms a wedge to split rational thought such that any action, excuse, or injustice can be justified. Said belief forms the basis of selfish bargaining; "Let's make a deal god, and screw the other guy instead! You like me best, don't you?"...."Humph-humph - of couse thy will be done!" (bow, scrape, pay). It is all meaningless in the end, but it is hardly nothing.

breakerslion said...

Just so we stay on the same page, I meant that the acts people perform to please/appease a non-existent god become themselves meaningless symbols. I did not mean to imply that life was meaningless, or these actions have no consequence. "All" in the context of the subset.