Sunday, March 15, 2009

Episode 189: Marked for Death!

This podcast includes clips from a typical endtimes rant by good ol' Jack van Impe. From what I read, Jack considers himself more Bibleman than Willie Ames. On his TV show, which you can see here, his wife Rexella reads headlines, and Jack matches them to, well, glaringly obvious Bibleproof (different than real proof, so I've created a new word) that the Lord is coming; Look Busy.


Marked for Death1
Alleee 1
Flintstonesx Underscore
Richard De Bordeaux & Daniel Beretta * Lucien
Marked for Death2
Harry Betts * Wonderful Bestline World
Chevrolet Corporation * What is America
Marked for Death 3
The Jetsons Underscore
Pinkard & Bowmen * Elvis was a Narc
Marked for Death 4
DJ Kitt Karr * When Knights Cry
Apollo Zero * Don't You Want the X in Sex
Marked for Death 5
Taraf de Haidouks * Indiaca
Drozen and Peck * Dig Dug
Marked for Death 6
Bleezarde, Lynton, Whyte * Guantanamo
Little Kathy Hoffman * Kathy's Letter
Marked for Death 7
Johnny Quest Underscore
Malajube * Jus de Cannaberges
Marked for Death 8
Randy Davis * Dear Mister President
RIAA * Running with the Devil Bunnies
Marked for Death 9
The Stoned Kid
John Travolta song
Marked for Death 10
Alleee 2

Download, Friends!

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