Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mondo DIablo Episode 205: Alcohol is Dynamite

The clips this week are from the film of the same name; the rant is from work.

You'll definitely want to check out a site belonging to the singer of "Rub-a-Dub:" Chris Wind. There's a lot of stuff on there that I'll be playing in the next several weeks, and even a great Christmas album!


Alcohol is Dynamite 1
Alleee 1
The Frank Popp Ensemble * The Rural Assiduity
Ennio Morricone * Ninna Nanna Per Adulti
Alcohol is Dynamite 2
Smith Walbridge Summer Camps * Also Sprach Zarathustra
Chris Wind * Rub-a-Dub Dub
Alcohol is Dynamite 3
Irving Fields Trio * Spark of Jewish Pride
Fanfarlo * Comets
Alcohol is Dynamite 4
Enoch Light * Charleston Cha-Cha
Bonnie Haven * Total Woman
Alcohol is Dynamite 5
Flavia and the Motonets * Mike
The Midas Touch * Vida Tirado
101 Strings * Space Odyssey
Abe Burrows * Sea Shanty
Alcohol is Dynamite 6
Our Gang Music
Billy Mize * Solid Sender
Alcohol is Dynamite 7
Nancy Sinatra * Sugar Town
TV: That's For Me
Alcohol is Dynamite 8
Tracky Birthday * Intro with Pepe
Donald and the Delighters * Wang Dand Dula
Alcohol is Dynamite 9
Alleee 2

Download Alcohol is Dynamite!

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