Sunday, July 02, 2006

hell's handmaiden: Atheists are Bad, Bad

New article for The War on Relativism, coming from Hell's Handmaiden:

Atheists are Bad, Bad Parts I and Part II.

Religion does not do an outstanding job of keeping people in line. This is not just an ad hominem or a tu quoque. By faulting atheism for its purported lack of ability to control human foibles, religion is set up as a standard of comparison. It is placed on a pedestal. If it can be shown that that standard is less than it needs to be, then any criticism of atheism based upon it falls flat. In other words, if atheism can be criticized for not reining in bad behavior, then so can religion, so can appeals to God.

1 comment:

Hellbound Alleee said...

**Now if you don't believe in the Existence of God, what's your believe concerning the purpose of life?**

To live, and to seek for oneself one's best purpose.

**Islam will give you the answer!**

Islam will give me a commandment based on irrational belief systems with no evidence to support them.

**One of the main problems with an atheistic ideology is that it cannot explain intelligence in the processes of the universe. Another problem is that it tends to deprive life of meaning.**

There is no "atheistic ideology." Therefore, it cannot remove meaning that is already there.

Reason 4: I'm a woman. Fuck you and your spam. Take your shit religion, and keep it away from me.